THE WORM IS BACK AND IT’S HUNGRY!! Eat people, get bigger, and evolve! After a 2 year hibernation, your worm shrunk back down but it still has wings! If you catch a bug or have feedback, please leave a comment.
NOW WITH UPGRADES!! Eat shitloads of stick figures playing as gigantic worm. Maybe if you eat enough people, you’ll grow up to be big and fat like daddy worm. See how big you can become.
If you want a sequel, leave some feedback of what you want to see!
Check out our developer site to play our other games: Effing Games
NOW WITH BOSSES!! Save your city from legions of dangerous machines, piloting your own mech suit. Hold back the machines long enough for the EMP to be built and save the day. I’m still working on the game and will be improving it based on your feedback. Please leave comments!!
MERRY EFFING XMAS!! Eat elves, yeti, and reindeer! Santa gave you a crap present, now you’re out for revenge!
Please leave some feedback, bug reports, hate mail, etc. I read all the comments.