
Reincarnation: Let The Evil Times Roll

Help the demon capture three Reincarnies in this third installment of the series!
Well, it has been over a year since I have started this game. You can actually see how much has changed since the start of this game by playing the past couple of minis. I’m sorry for the long wait and I hope it was worth it.
This time the demon is sent to capture 3 Reincarnies who are now hiding out in New Orleans, Louisiana. Find out if they are up to no good and send them back to hell to please Luke!

Reincarnation: Riley's Out Again

Guide the demon on his path to locating the reincarny Riley and taking him back to hell with you.
Be sure to play the first game to know what is going on. However, it can still be fun without knowing too.
Question to all fans of the game: Would you like a 3rd one, and if so, would you rather it take place in a circus or a voodoo town? Either way i got some really cool ideas for it.
Update – 4-21-09

Reincarnation: A Taste Of Evil

Update This game was made to thank everyone who donated to the dolls. The ads in the game don’t hurt anyone. None of the ads actually affect the game play, but they have to be there so I can keep this series alive.
Reincarnation: A Taste Of Evil
The demon is out again to find another Reincarnated soul.
Sorry about the delay. More still to come.

Reincarnation: All Hallow's Evil

It has been 2 years (released the first one on 10/29/2008) since I have started making the Reincarnation series, and I wanted to share with everyone a special Halloween episode in honor of the 2 year anniversary.
It was kind of a rush job (finished making the game in less than a month), but I feel it came out very well.
Thanks for being supportive!

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